Friday, June 29, 2012

Kanik N' Gang On The Big Screen

Last night, Kanik, John, Adam and Amanda attended the Yankees/White Sox game, thanks to Camille who kindly passed along her AWESOME tickets.  The seats were pretty amazing AND, actually unbeknownst to all of them, they made it to the JumboTron during the game.  (A group sitting behind them actually had to point out that they were on the big screen--no one would have known, otherwise, with the distractions of nachos and good conversation.)  Oh, and the Yankees lost, which made Kanik very happy (though he had to be stealthy about his joy to avoid getting punched in the face by the hardcore Yankee fans surrounding them).


  1. crazy eyed Moore. classic.

  2. All cool. Today saw A's sweep BoSox in Oakland. Great good stuff happens! Go Kanik!
    Left Coast Moores
