Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Current Chemo Treatment Sucks Less Than The First Time

3 weeks in to the new treatment and it sucks. K is having another treatment today and he says that so far this one "definitely sucks less than the first time". This time around, K is often light-headed and has "two-to-three-on-a-scale-of-one-to-ten" stomach pains. All in all, this is great news and we're hopeful that with continued treatment--the next of which July 9th--the scan on August 1st will show some positive results. 

(Sidenote on K's overall health: He knocked out what proved to be a run of the mill summer cold that he was fighting last week and is back on track and with his Hepatitis B levels going down he's going strong!)

And a happy development for those of us on the right coast: Ling Fong switched up her travel plans so she can fun it up with the kids in Cali over the Fourth of July holiday so New Yorkers can see her now: she's in town for today's treatment so track down the Chungs and embarrass them with some public displays of affection!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Kanik is the Six Million Dollar Man

Kanik's new chemotherapy treatment is still scheduled to begin this Tuesday.  This new treatment requires Kanik to be infused with the drugs for two straight days, so he got a small tube (called a mediport) placed into one of his blood vessels.  (Here is a picture of a mediport: http://lymphomasucks.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/mediport.jpg)  So, Kanik received the mediport implantation on Friday and all went well.  He's now physically ready to get this new treatment and, in Kanik's words, become "a cyborg." Steve Austin ain't got NOTHIN on Kanik!

Kanik's good friend, John West, just visited him in NYC and wrote this about the time he spent with Kanik:  

Kanik looked great, was walking from one end of Brooklyn to the other and working like a fiend in the studio! Landed a new commission of vessel work, designing for some new pieces for somewhere in the Middle East.. and excited for Mazel Tov [Glass], and schedule is slammed...

We'll be sure to keep you posted with more information about this new treatment but, in the meantime, feel free to send Kanik emails, texts and love in all its messy, sloppy and sappy incarnations this week.