Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Solid Start to Spring with Changes Ahead...

This post has been a long time coming, due, in most part, to the authors' inability/unwillingness to honestly say what has been going on with Kanik and his treatment for fear of angering any or all of the gods of religion or whim. For many months now, K has been on the same treatment and it has been as successful as anyone could have imagined.
The Man and Amanda at Mets v Nationals on April 19th
After his latest scan last week, however, it looks like it's time to change course and come at this another way. From what we understand from all available resources, this is the way it works with aggressive cancers that people live with for as long as we know K will: you leap from treatment to treatment as each one becomes less effective, staying ahead of developments as much as possible.

Here's what this means right now: overall the number of cancer cells is approximately the same as before but the CT scan did reveal some new, small tumors in the lungs.  Dr. Abou Alfa said he reviewed the scan carefully with the radiologist and they decided that the cancer has progressed and is not eligible to stay on this current trial despite some SHRINKAGE OF THE TUMORS IN THE LIVER.  

Over the next few weeks, K will surely be looking to keep himself as strong as possible both mentally and physically (read: LOTS of playoff basketball, A's baseball, glass blowing and meal devouring). Keep that love coming and we'll update once new treatment begins in a week or so.