Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Good news and Books

After K's rough few days last week, his doctor wanted to have him come in for an exam yesterday.  K spent an entire day in the hospital, waiting to see his doctor but the good news is that he was able to read Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) cover to cover.  He liked it.

And that's about it.

Oh, wait.  There was MORE good news. K's doctor gave him a full exam and said everything looked good.  It was definitely reassuring at this beginning stage.  Also, since K has been incredibly tired and groggy taking Sorafenib, his doctor said he could stop for a few days; see how he feels and begin taking it again when he feels a bit better.  Apparently, this will not affect K's treatment.  So, K isn't taking the Sorafenib for the rest of the week and will plan to see his doctor again on Friday for another check-up.

Let's think of another good book for K to read on Friday.  I'm suggesting this because it's always relevant.


  1. Oooh... great book choice, Amanda!! He also loves sports books, so if anyone has good recs for those, I'm sure he would appreciate it.

  2. 3 nights in august, about tony larussa. awesome.

  3. Driving Mr. Yogi: Yogi Berra, Ron Guidry, and Baseball's Greatest Gift by Harvey Araton

    amazing read!
