Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Biopsy is DONE

Kanik ended up going to Urgent Care on Friday to get a biopsy on his foot.  He was in a lot of pain and having trouble walking so, with a little persistence, he managed to get into Sloan and get the biopsy done early, which is a relief.  (His original appointment for the biopsy was scheduled for today.) 

Team Kanik really pulled together over the weekend with Andrea meeting K at Urgent Care and Victoria taking him home and running around to fill his pain meds prescriptions the next morning (which was apparently a feat, in itself).

Kanik should know the results of the biopsy at some point next week, so we will keep you posted, of course.

In the meantime, we asked Ling-Fong what, if anything, Kanik might need from his friends and here are some ideas:

The grocery store near Kanik's apartment has free delivery and has a bread he likes, if you'd like to get him a gift card:

There's also a Key Food near Kanik's place that has a delivery service, though they charge:

Finally, Ling-Fong has set up an account at Montague's Cleaners : (718) 875-1590
If someone would like to put down their credit card for a period of time that, too, would be helpful.  (You can just specify a period of time you want Kanik's account to be covered by your credit card.)

Kanik will possibly spend Thanksgiving in Westchester with Amanda and Adam or his friend Vince has offered to cook for him.  Either way, we all will make sure Kanik is feasting and watching football on Thursday.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Update From Friday's Doc's Appointment

So, Kanik saw the doctor on Friday, who looked at his foot and good news thus far: the doc does not believe the growth is related to the liver cancer, since the problem only seems to be localized to his foot.  The possibilities of what the growth may be vary from an easily treatable infection to a benign growth to a malignant growth.  Kanik's biospy on his foot will be November 26th, so we'll update you a week or so after that, when they process the results.

In the meantime, we saw Kanik this weekend in Brooklyn and he's doing well.  He was out and about on his feet, though just taking it slowly.  Ling-Fong bought him some awesome Air Jordans and Rod Laver sneakers, so he's rocking those and showing that foot what's up.

More soon...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kanik Is Waiting for a New Trial

Kanik is still waiting for a new trial with Dr. Abou Alfa to open.  In the meantime, he's taking good care of himself and working to keep his protein levels up...and they HAVE gone up in the past month.  (Thanks to all of you who helped with that by making meals for K or spending some time to go out and eat with him.)

Kanik has had pain in his foot for the past few weeks and just got some scans done on it the other day.  Although they may be benign, it looks like there is some abnormal growth in his foot.  Tomorrow (Friday the 15th) Kanik will be meeting with Dr. Maybody, who is an expert imaging techniques, such as MRI, bone scans, x-rays, etc., with the plan being to determine exactly where to do the biopsy and set the exact date for the biopsy. Ling-Fong is staying in Brooklyn with Kanik to help him while he stays off his feet. (We'll be sure to post an update, once we learn more about tomorrow's appointment.)

And, in other news, Kanik has made a huge decision in the work department of his life and that's to concentrate solely on creating art, rather than working on commission.  It's, no doubt, a big decision but Kanik feels great about it and will concentrate on making EXACTLY what he wants to make WHEN he wants to make it.  Not many artists can say they do that for a living, so it's needless to say, pretty awesome.

As always, please continue to text, call, email, fax or page Kanik your love.  Since he's off his feet, for the most part, it might be difficult for him to get out much this week, but we're sure he'd love a visit or a meal or two brought over to him.

If we find out he needs anything else, specifically, we'll let you know.